Privacy Policies Logycom

The information contained in this site does not imply a recommendation to purchase or sell; therefore, neither shareholders nor controllers, subsidiaries, branches or enterprises related to Logycom assume any responsibility related to financial operations, or to any of the legal shares that individuals who consult them may carry out based on such information. In some sections of this site, it is possible to carry out comparisons among the behavior of different financial instruments in time, this does not imply a recommendation to purchase or sell; therefore, neither shareholders nor controllers, subsidiaries, branches or enterprises related to Logycom assume any direct or indirect responsibility, as it has been stated in the previous paragraph.

This site may present connections to other sites that are controlled by outsiders non-familiar to Logycom; therefore, Logycom does not take any direct or indirect responsibility regarding their contents or the services offered by such sites. It is necessary to point out that the fact that connectivity exists among these sites, does not imply the existence of any association or participation with them.

I. Description of the Service The site offers services such as information, operation and electronic brokerage in accordance to the values supplied by Logycom.

II. Registry and Enrolment of Users Logycom keeps the right to review or not , or to reply or not to the messages or information that has been provided by the users and registered in this site; therefore, Logycom does not assume any responsibility related to such registrations or enrolments. In addition, Logycom keeps the right to monitor the registrations with any determined frequency, as well as to cancel any registration due to illegal, immoral, defamatory, calumnious, vulgar, obscene or discriminatory content, or any other material promoting any type of behavior that may be considered illegal or against accepted conducts, or material that may convey any kind of responsibility.

III. Safety for Users or Guests Provided that Logycom realizes the importance that the safe transmission of information in the internet has for its users and guests, this site is supported by a series of systems and measures that contribute to improve such safety and confidentiality during the transmission of private information.

The information that you confidentially ask for or send us through this site is processed by establishing a secure connection according to the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol, ensuring that all the information transmitted from or to your computer to or by Logycom’s central system will be safe due to a specific encryption that can only be deciphered by the computers involved in the process.

IV. Limitations of Responsibility Logycom will not be responsible for any damage, limitlessly including losses or expenses that may be direct, indirect, inherent or consequent, and that may occur in relation to this site or its use, or impossibility of use by any of the parts, or in relation to any failure in the performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in the operation or transmission, computer virus or failure in the system or line, not even in the case that Logycom or its representatives were informed about the possibility of such damage, losses or expenses. Exposure to hyper-connections with other internet means falls under your own risk; Logycom does not investigate, verify, control or backup the content, the accuracy, the opinions expressed in the site nor any other connections that may be supplied by these means.